Little Ol' Me

When I started this blog I had no idea what I was doing (Ok let's be honest, I still don't) so I reached out to some bloggers for some advice.  I was so nervous sending an email to strangers - it just felt weird.  I figured I wouldn't even get a response.  But I'm just so amazed by how genuinely nice this little cyberspace community is.  Not only did they respond, but answered my questions and gave me advice, and just truly TOOK TIME out of their busy lives to help little ol' me!

I'm still working on the whole idea of people looking at this little blog of mine, but in time I'll open this puppy up to everyone and so far I'm finding this community very inviting and can't wait to get to "know" everyone. :)

PS-check out those tomatoes! Fresh from the garden, first batch! (another good use of stretchy shirts)
via Instagram

Those delish little tomatoes made the best salad.  Look close, see those yellow ones?  So cool! We have black ones too. Coming soon!


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